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On Twitter

04/14/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology

I'm up in the air over the value of Twitter but I think I figured out some of the attraction today. We had a minor power outage and I wasn't sure if it was my house or more widespread. When I started seeing messages about it in #yyc, that pretty much answered my questions. I've now added a few local resources such #calgary, @cbccalgary, @ctvcalgary, @calgarycitynews and @cityofcalgary which should pretty much cover the road closures, garbage pickups, street cleaning and all the other local minutae it's useful to know about but somehow I never manage to do so. For those wondering about the at and hash/pound/gate symbols preceding the name, it merely defines whether it's an interest group ("#") for automated searches or an actual Twitter account ("@").

All that said, I still don't get the whole following thing of what I refer to as "twitter bugs", you know, the ones with what could be best described as 140 character verbal diarrohea.


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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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