Category: "YouTube"

The Muppets Cover The Beatles

08/29/09 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Lovely collection of Beatles covers by the Muppets, including a superb "Let It Be" rework from Sesame Street. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Making music out of YouTube

03/12/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music, YouTube
This is quite impressive. Someone with a significant amount of free time has trawled YouTube, picking up videos of people jamming in their basements, instructional segments, practice sessions, music recitals and miscellaneous audio hackery, and has… more »

Man Cold

03/08/09 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
I wonder quite how unsympathetic EMS would be with me right now if I gave them a call. (Via Warren Kinsella) more »

Greatest video evar!

08/14/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Beaker from the Muppets does all of the parts of Ode to Joy solo. I can't find words to emphasize how good this is. more »

Roomba and pets

06/23/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Nice little video on Gizmodo's page (itself linking to the Wall Street Journal article) about trying to get pets and Roombas to co-exist. Given I have both at the moment, it amused me. (Via Gizmodo) more »

The solution to not having enough room for a model railroad

06/22/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Ok, this is not the solution I would have come up with, but it's rather clever nonetheless. more »

World Of World Of Warcraft

06/14/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
To use an equally geeky analogy, the Onion hit this one out of the ballpark. (Via Ricardo) more »

La Paz's (literal) Zebra Crossings

06/12/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
For some reason, La Paz's decision to use crossing guards dressed as zebras for their zebra crossings (aka pedestrian crossings) really appeals to whimsical side of me. (Via Kottke) more »


05/25/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
The CBC had a very good comedy going this season, JPod, which is basically a reworked version of Douglas Coupland's "Microserfs". Given that Coupland was also involved in this show, I guess that's not really an issue. It's a Canadian show, filmed in… more »

Road skating in Saudi

05/01/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Um. Wow. (Via Kottke) more »

"Still Alive"

04/21/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Funny little music video about the Amiga by Eric Schwartz. (Via Nodwick) more »

Country And Western Science

04/06/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music, YouTube
This probably isn't appropriate for Dena's students. This, on the other hand, probably is. more »

The Red Army Chorus sings "Sweet Home Alabama"

04/03/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Another gem from YouTube... (Via BoingBoing) more »

"Can We Get A Napkin, Please"

03/15/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Unlike most of the Improv Anywhere performances which seem to be annoying -- funny, to be sure, but still at someone's expense -- their food court musical number is a classic. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Simon's Cat Wants In

03/11/08 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Cool little animation about a cat wanting in. An earlier one about trying to wake up the owner is also pretty darn amazing. more »

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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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