Category: "Music"

How Do You Identify Music Without A Title (Redux)

07/22/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music, iPhone
Back in 2006, I posed a question on the blog of how to identify music without knowing its name. Ritchie pointed me at Shazam shortly after correctly identifying the specific track via its lyrics instead. Since that time, Shazam has been ported to the… more »

Rebuilding the old tape collection

07/22/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music
When I first started buying music I had a choice of cassette tape or vinyl. For reasons mostly involving the availability of singles, I tended to buy on vinyl. After a while I'd accumulated a pretty good stock and found it was rather non-portable. A… more »

Queen & George Michael's "Killer"/"Papa Was A Rolling Stone" mashup

04/21/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music
While trawling my way through a used CD store down in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I found an EP ("Five Live") credited to George Michael and Queen. The recordings on it were recorded for a concert to benefit charities in Freddy Mercury's name. I'd never heard of… more »

Making music out of YouTube

03/12/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music, YouTube
This is quite impressive. Someone with a significant amount of free time has trawled YouTube, picking up videos of people jamming in their basements, instructional segments, practice sessions, music recitals and miscellaneous audio hackery, and has… more »

The hazard of filing based on keywords

03/01/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
Take a look at the photo below. Try to make sense of the category written on the front cover. It took me a bit longer to figure out than I care to admit. more »

That can't be right

02/21/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
Recently I was looking at Apple's iTunes FAQ documents and the one on "Backing Up Your Music" caught my eye, particularly this paragraph: if your hard disk becomes damaged or you lose any of the music you've purchased, you'll have to buy any purchased… more »

MacWorld on audio quality and compression

02/19/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
MacWorld has an interesting post on audio quality in the digital realm. Worth going through are the reams and reams of reader comments at the end. My personal take: While bitrate may matter, the quality of the encoding algorithm matters more as does… more »

A man ahead of his time

01/15/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Copyright
Thomas Edison, visionary, appears to have created the odious EULA well before anyone even had an acronym for it. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Automatically regenerating iTunes random playlists

12/17/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Macintosh
As I'm slowly trying to replace the Creative Soundblaster Wireless with the Apple Airport Express, one feature that the Creative software did well was random playlist generation. iTunes has that feature too but it works in a sufficiently different way… more »

Review: Apple Airport Express's AirTunes

10/27/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music, Reviews, Macintosh, iPhone
Recently I picked up an Apple Airport Express which is their little doodad that acts as a 802.11n extender, USB printer host and -- most importantly to me -- an AirTunes source. One of the problems I've been chewing on for a while is how to get my home… more »

Well, darn it... Again.

06/02/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music
Another day, another duplicated Amazon purchase. So, who knew that there'd be two CDs with entirely different names and cover art but with exactly the same track listing? This time it's The Damned taking the non-obvious duplication prize with "It's… more »

"Repo Man"

05/22/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Reviews
I have issues with this soundtrack. I bought it because of the presence of one stunning instrumental, "Reel Ten" by the Plugz. Moody, interesting, twangy. The problem lies in the remainder of what's on the disc. more »

Pure Moods

05/16/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Reviews
The "Pure Moods" series from Virgin is a real mishmash of styles and artists. Comprised of the like-named "Pure Moods" (one through four) and "Pure Moods: Celestial Celebration", the albums are linked by a feeling -- a "mood" I suppose -- but it feels… more »

"iPod Tax" resurfaces in UK

04/27/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
There's not much I can add to the article writer's comment: But only if they pay for it a second time round. The MBG's proposal is essentially a way to help the music industry get paid twice for the same thing: first for the CD and once again, by way of… more »

Another take on the alarm clock radio

04/25/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
The Register Rebel DJ has a write up in the Intempo, an FM-based alarm clock with an interesting twist: it automatically records music and strips out the commercials and DJs allowing one to listen to the important bit. more »

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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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