Category: "Games"

Fallout: New Vegas

04/21/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games
Oooh oooh oooh. There is no way that The Pitt is going to tide me over until then though. Hm, I think I may have a copy of WoW:WOTLK lying around which might fit the bill. more »

Fellout 3

02/03/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games
Well, "Fallout 3" is now played through. It's been about three months since I started with it and there's been very little playing of other games in the meantime and a couple of blog posts. I reckon that's not bad value for money. What wasn't such good… more »

iPhone ad hoc networking

01/14/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games, iPhone, PalmT3
Since migrating to an iPhone, I've been impressed by a lot about it. Naturally though, there are various shortcomings that periodically pull me out of that Jobs reality distortion field of bliss. Today, it's that reduced Bluetooth stack. Whether due… more »

Ethics in Fallout 3

01/13/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games
Fallout 3 is a rather violent game which has the interesting addition of a karma system. This is a rough way of tracking how good or bad your character is. I say rough as it's really rather hard to say what's good and bad within the constraints of the… more »

The Guild

12/23/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Games
I'm probably the last person with any Warcraft interest to have found this, but "The Guild" is a pretty funny web-based sitcom about a group of WoW players. Professionally shot and acted, it's actually entertaining. As a bonus for the geekier, it's also… more »

Ongoing "Fallout 3" Commentary

11/20/08 | by Adam | Categories: Whining, Games
Great game so far but there are two significant issues I have with it: When laden down, you move slowly. In and of itself, no big deal, but it also disables the quick move between two locations on a map. This means you need to control your nice 3D… more »

Fallout 3 has landed!

10/29/08 | by Adam | Categories: Games
This means no blog updates coming for the next few weeks, unless Ritchie or Dena get bored... more »

Escape from reality

09/24/08 | by Adam | Categories: Games
World Of Warcraft: Nothing eases the tension after a long day of putting up with other people's bullshit while running around completing repetitive tasks like logging on to Warcraft to put up with other people's bullshit while running around completing… more »


06/26/08 | by Adam | Categories: Copyright, Games
I had completely forgotten about this innovative and utterly daft piece of DRM technology form the early '80s. Fortunately it was quite expensive and unreliable so it was quickly dumped for the cheaper black-text-on-red-paper word lookup solution. I… more »

Plagiarism in the games industry

06/25/08 | by Adam | Categories: Games
A games development house in the UK put out a point'n'click Myst-like adventure game that curiously resembled the in-game graphics of a number of other major releases. They've since been called on it What I don't get is how they expected such blatant… more »

The best racing game that's not on a PC

06/10/08 | by Adam | Categories: Games
A couple of weeks ago I found a review of a new game that sounded like a sure thing for our periodic weekend PC gaming sessions: "There are 15 different modes of online play, most of which are pretty good. One clear winner is [...] Race, which blends… more »

The death of the gaming desktop PC

05/31/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Games
A discussion similar to the one linked to over a Gizmodo came up the other day while at a gaming session with some friends. After spending thousands of dollars on killer hardware and hundreds of hours on installation, configuration, patching and… more »


05/17/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, Games
Following on from the Infocom post (and indeed the earlier LOLwhatevers one), I give you LOLgrues. You can now die happy (in the pitch black.) more »

The Other Lost Treasures Of Infocom

05/01/08 | by Adam | Categories: Games
The long lost sequel to Infocom's "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" is revealed and playable. Alas, there was a lot of politics behinds its development resulting in pretty much no game. Too bad really; would have been fun. There's also another good… more »

This space intentionally left blank

04/01/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Silly, Canadian, Games, Calgary
No April Fools today*. more »

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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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