Category: "Macintosh"

Producing address lists from the OSX Address book

08/24/09 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
Recently I was mailed a bunch of contact information to another OSX user -- basically by emailing vCards from within the iPhone. I would have done it from the Mac but that required the extra step of saving the vCard to the filesystem before I could send… more »

Things iPhoto thinks are faces

04/30/09 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
I don't have a copy of iPhoto'09 with the feature that tries to automatically recognise people's faces and tag them. I'm looking forward to trying it out eventually. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the Flickr group where people post some of iPhoto's near… more »

Slipstreaming OSX install discs

04/18/09 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
The short of it is that you can't. Slightly longer explanation: one of the generally unheralded positive things about Microsoft Windows is that you can use various tools -- including one from Microsoft themselves -- that allow you to build custom… more »

Airfoil Speakers Touch

04/17/09 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh, iPhone
I really wanted to like this. I've been waiting for someone to come up with a decent application that I could use to spool audio from my Mac to my iPhone while at home. It would be -- so to speak -- "Radio Adam: The Next Generation". I thought this was… more »

The joy of upgrading a MacBook harddrive

12/26/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
For the last few months, my MacBook has been running with a grand total of about two to four gigagbytes of harddrive space. As that number also has to accomodate the OSX swap file which grows over time, it simply wasn't sufficient. Besides, I was… more »

Automatically regenerating iTunes random playlists

12/17/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Macintosh
As I'm slowly trying to replace the Creative Soundblaster Wireless with the Apple Airport Express, one feature that the Creative software did well was random playlist generation. iTunes has that feature too but it works in a sufficiently different way… more »

Review: Apple Airport Express's AirTunes

10/27/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music, Reviews, Macintosh, iPhone
Recently I picked up an Apple Airport Express which is their little doodad that acts as a 802.11n extender, USB printer host and -- most importantly to me -- an AirTunes source. One of the problems I've been chewing on for a while is how to get my home… more »

OSX's "Safety Net"

09/20/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
For a lot of people, changing operating systems is a significant step. You lose all of your applications, most of your data and a large amount of proficiency (and time!) while you relearn the basics. It's mostly true even within generations of the same… more »

Application focus under OSX

09/18/08 | by Adam | Categories: Whining, Macintosh
For the most part I've been very happy with OSX compared to its competition. This isn't a long standing Mac fanatic thing: I couldn't stand OS9 and the prior System releases; the Mac only became an acceptable option to me after the "classic" MacOS was… more »

Monolingual strikes again

09/17/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
Regular readers of this blog will remember a run in a few months ago with a tool called Monolingual that carefully destroyed a fair number of software installs on my Mac. I thought I'd fixed all of the problems. Not quite; I just found another case.… more »

Radio Adam foobared

09/16/08 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Macintosh
Yesterday I updated Radio Adam to use the newest iTunes since it had been working appropriately on my other systems. Part of the install requires a reboot of the system which I didn't think much of at the time. When everything came back up, I restarted… more »


07/23/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
Recently my preferred OSX-based RSS newsreader, NewsFire, stopped pulling down new articles. I couldn't find anything wrong with its configuration nor was there any apparent problem reported on the net. It seemed to work fine: it would check for… more »

WhatSize: The OSX answer to TreeSize

05/13/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
On Windows boxes, there's a program called TreeSize that is an excellent tree-based representation of disk usage. When I migrated to OSX I looked for an equivalent. I'm glad to say I've found it: WhatSize. Looks good, works well. It's shareware but not… more »

Resizing a Parallels partition

03/20/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
When I first started using Parallels, the idea was that I would use it on the MacBook for work and keep the OSX side completely clear for my personal use. Under the requirements at that time, I could happily get away with an 8 GB XP virtual hard drive… more »

NewsFire RSS Reader is free

03/01/08 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
David Watanabe, author of my favourite OSX-based news/RSS reader, "NewsFire", has made it freeware today. I highly recommend it so give it a whirl. more »

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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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