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WoW, South Park


  12:27:05 am, by Nimble   , 14 words  
Categories: Distractions

WoW, South Park

1 comment

Comment from: Adam [Member]  

What was interesting was that Blizzard actually cooperated with the South Park team for this. Presumably there are some legal reasons for this, but apparently the animators for South Park are serious WoW fiends. No idea which server though.

While watching the episode, I was struck by how much better – despite the lower overall resolution – the WoW graphics looked. I’m wondering if Blizzard supplied the raw textures, geometry and animation cycles to the South Park animators who then used SoftImage or Alias (or whatever is it they run) to produce the final result rather than trying the usual machinima approach.

10/06/06 @ 09:59