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Why the Apple G4 Cube failed: cats!

02/21/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, Macintosh

Link: http://www.friday.com/bbum/2008/02/16/the-cubes-fatal-flaw/

Too bad he de-emphasized it as the reason in favour of cabling, but blogger bbum felt that one of the principal failings of Apple's G4 Cube was that of:

having a flat topped, conveniently sized, surface on top of which things will be placed, will fall, and — yes — may choose to nap.

In context he was actually talking about the design of the cooling system being very dependent on clear airflow. I liked the cat angle though.

It's a much more interesting rationale than the difficulty of having to connect cables to a box where the mounting location is on the base.

(Via Daring Fireball)


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