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What's a bit of confusion between friends?

04/09/08 | by Adam | Categories: Music
What's a bit of confusion between friends?
What's a bit of confusion between friends?
What's a bit of confusion between friends?
What's a bit of confusion between friends?

Link: http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hooked+on+swing&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go

While looking to exchange a worn vinyl record with a newer CD, I encountered an unexpected problem. The album I wanted to replace, "Hooked On Swing", actually had several Amazon entries, each of which showed entirely different track listings.

There was the original one that I was looking for, credited to "Larry Elgart and his Manhattan Swing Orchestra", 1982.

Then there was another, credited to "Larry Elgart and his Orchestra, BBC Big Band Orchestra", 2006.

And a third, credited to "The Kings Of Swing Orchestra", 1988.

Needless to say, all were K-tel imprints.

It gets slightly better though; whilst looking at the last version, I wondered why it seemed vaguely familiar. Going back through my archive, I found that it had previously been released on tape under the name "Switched On Swing". The new release had all the same tracks but subtly renamed -- "Switched On Shearing Medley" became "Hooked On Shearing Medley", "Switched On Bands Medley" became "Hooked On Bands Medley" and so on. And, yes, "Switched On Swing" was released under the K-Tel banner too.

The two Larry Elgart discs, although sharing a name and artist but not the tracks, fortunately didn't use the same cover art. The recordings that shared a name and cover weren't the same music. The ones that were in fact the same recording shared neither title, track names nor cover art. It's enough to make one weep.

Actually, come to think of it, it does. The CD I eventually ordered to replace the vinyl turned out to be the "Kings Of Swing" one rather than the expected Elgart one that was shown in the track listing. It's a decent recording but not the one I actually wanted...


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