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Tim McLean's Funeral Unmolested


  04:20:35 am, by Nimble   , 154 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense, Religion

Tim McLean's Funeral Unmolested

Tim McLean, the victim in the horrible stabbing/beheading incident on Greyhound, was being targeted by the clan at the odious Westboro Baptist Church of "God Hates Fags" fame as a protest site against Canada in general that the grisly murder was an act of retribution by God.

One of the purported two groups of the church's members attempting entry into Canada was stopped at the border, which was alerted to the group's intentions, and turned back. Another was, if Shirley Phelps-Roper's claims are true, able to make it into the country by couriering their protest signs in separately.

That said, they were either unsuccessful in making it all the way there, or they had second thoughts about their safety in a familiar-looking but foreign country. It looks like the service started without protest.

Kudos to the 250+ people ready to shield family members from any such crass protest, and for mourning with the family.

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