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That's a lot of litter

05/09/08 | by Adam | Categories: Calgary

Link: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2008/05/05/cgy-cleanup.html?ref=rss

More than 1,600 volunteers scoured the banks of the Bow and Elbow Rivers and Nose Creek for litter on Sunday, collecting roughly 7,000 kilograms of trash.

The three-hour pickup, covering roughly 160 kilometres, was part of the 41st annual Calgary Pathway and River Cleanup.

Event organizer Kevin Forster, with the City of Calgary Parks Department, told CBC News that volunteers collected more than 3,400 bags of garbage, not counting oversized litter such as tires, wheel rims and shopping carts.

Wow. That's a lot of litter. Definitely the volunteers who did the cleaning up deserve a round of applause.


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