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Sex sells. Well, drives up the bids. Perhaps.

11/20/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Silly, YouTube

Link: http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/the-ladies-of-ebay-spice-up-console-auctions-216103.php

Apparently eBayers have been taking a page out of British lad-mags like "T3" or pretty much any motor show in the last forty years, and have decided to spice up those boring pictures of games consoles with buxom ladies. There's shallow, there's really shallow, and then there's this. The funny bit according to the creator of the video:

Apparently trading in your self respect doesn’t net much: According to my unscientific analysis, nudity and/or cleavage doesn’t have any discernible impact on bidding.


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