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More referrer searches

12/11/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly

It's been a few weeks since the last round up so I figured it was time for another bunch:

opposite of spontaeous combustion

Depending on which part is the opposite, I believe that's normally referred to as "not catching fire."

spontaeous generation and flies

This is probably the same person again with that unique spelling of "spontaneous". I'm not quite sure what the flies have to do with it though; perhaps they were what caught fire spontaeously last time. Both linked through to a discussion on intelligent design.

"please call stella" phonetically loaded paragraph transcribed

It's actually a legitimate search, ending up on Ritchie's discussion about the accent archive.

Then there are the less salubrious:

sex blog guadeloupe

Um. Ok. Curiously enough neither of these linked to a specific article so I still don't know what they were really looking for. I can only guess... "TBOM" -- at least on our site -- was an abbreviation for the most excellent "The Books Of Magic" by Neil Gaiman and came from a discussion on the film version of "V For Vendetta".

hot chicks

Despite those earlier racy searches, this one is fair enough; it's actually the title of the filmed version of the Jack Chick tracts that Ritchie commented on here. There was also a search for "Hot Chick" but maybe that was a typo.

atheism OR atheism OR evolutionism "david attenborough"

Is "evolutionism" even a real word? The search ended up on a Richard Dawkins post.

" my children are lazy

Indeed they are. Ritchie however has the answer, and I think it involves bad jokes.

believers of gay marriage

went to the Ted Morton discussion. What a surprise.

And that rounds up this issue of interesting referred searches. See you in a few weeks with the next lot.



Comment from: ElTwo [Visitor]  

The “sex blog guadeloupe” search might match the options for changing the visual appearance of this site, one of which is “guadeloupe", and blog is scattered all over as well. Do we want to speculate on variations of TBOM?

12/11/06 @ 21:20
Comment from: Nimble [Member]  

TBOM comes up high on Google as The Brotherhood of Makuta: http://www.tbomonline.com/

Now that we have that in a comment, they’ll come here even more! :)

There are a few sex-related hits on this site, related to same-sex marriage, sex scandals, sex-related spam, Adam’s post on sex doesn’t sell things on eBay, sex education, and sex in biology.

So one can speculate that “sex blog guadeloupe” would certainly come up, in concert with the skin you mentioned.

“Evolutionism” isn’t a real word. It’s a word that creationists seem to use when they try to pin evolutionary theory as some sort of moral, spiritual or political dogma.

…and I will torment my children with bad jokes!

12/14/06 @ 19:11
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