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"Magic Man Done It"

03/17/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdocQHsPCNM&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fscienceblogs%2Ecom%2Fpharyngula%2F2007%2F03%2Fthe%5Fhistory%5Fof%5Fcreationist%5Ftho%2Ephp

Very funny riff on creationist thought. Posted since Ritchie appears to have taken a long holiday somewhere and I think we're dropping below our monthly quota of rationalism and snark.

(Via (where else?) Pharyngula)


1 comment

Comment from: Nimble [Member]  

It was a long mental holiday, really. My head was miles deep in integrating this lovely bit of architecture into a piece that should only be used, never integrated with.

For example, somewhere in my bleary head I finally figured out that it wanted me never to tell it about the line that was just added when it asked, at least not while you could change it. It was about a month of slapping my forehead and a stint of working on the weekend. I was not happy.

That said, it’s actually been on its feet for a little while and the internal “reno job” looks like it might actually pay dividends to the tune of almost twice as fast on average, moreso on slow connections. Whee!

So my head’s finally starting to surface.

I loved “magic man done it” :)

03/17/07 @ 22:14
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