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Just because...

07/20/08 | by Adam | Categories: Silly

Sometimes things pop into one's head for no obvious reason. Today, it was the following quote from PW Botha (as portrayed by Spitting Image, a puppet based political satire from the 1980's):

My fellow South Africans, I feel it is time to tell you the facts are they really are:

  1. Bananas are marsupials.
  2. Cars run on gravy.
  3. Salmon live in trees and eat pencils.
  4. Reform in South Africa is on the way.

Why would "bananas are marsupials" register on my consciousness decades after I first heard the skit? Absolutely no idea; I've not been to South Africa in years, apartheid is long gone, and no one's doing a Spitting Image marathon around here. Memory is indeed a funny thing.


1 comment

Comment from: yeyereverluvinunclebert [Visitor]

It should be:
“Political reform is COMING, to South Africa”

04/28/18 @ 07:13
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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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