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Cake mistakes

02/04/09 | by Adam | Categories: Silly

Link: http://www.boingboing.net/2009/02/03/bakers-make-cake-wit.html

While many cake mistakes that turn up on the web are simply poor craftsmanship, the USB cake linked to here is -- I think -- decently done. Sadly the design is based a misunderstanding but probably ended up being more interesting that whatever image the customer had really wanted...

It reminds me a bit of one that my parents had made for me when I was just a wee bairn. They wanted a train for the shape of the cake, expecting a traditional steam engine motif. What they got -- the chef was Swiss after all -- was perhaps the finest electric alpine locomotive ever to grace confectionery. I'll have to see if I can dig up a photo of it one of these days...


1 comment

Comment from: Yvonne [Visitor]

I was making a 12′ widw round cake and it kept not being done in the middle. what should I do to prevent this going forward?

06/29/09 @ 02:06
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