Category: "YouTube"

Reasons to be glad you don't live in Portland, Oregon

01/18/07 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Ouch. (Via BoingBoing) more »

"There're Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow...

01/15/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
I could be wrong, but I believe this is probably the first time "Star Trek" (as opposed to "Star Wars") has been referenced on the floor of the American House of Representatives. It's a sort of milestone I suppose. (Update 2007/01/25: My mistake; it… more »

Fun science at work

01/11/07 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
First link is to a demonstration of a tub of sulfur hexafluoride (transparent heavier than air gas) causing a silverfoil boat to float in mid-air. Second link is to unexpected behaviour of liquids under various conditions. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Tony vs. Paul

01/02/07 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Nifty bit of real-life stop motion animation. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Teddy Ruxborg

12/14/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Cuteness is irrelevant; you will be assimilated. Warning: do *not* play the first part of this in front of a small child. (Via Gizmodo) more »

Music video by a man who can't play the instruments

12/13/06 | by Adam | Categories: Music, YouTube
The link is to a music video of a person playing quite a nice bit of music on the drums and piano. The nifty part is that although he can't play either, through the magic if clever video editing it sure looks as if he can. The wild part of it is that… more »

Paris-Dakar Goodness

12/12/06 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
I'm not much of a vehicle racing fan -- what's with those endless circuits, NASCAR? -- but I make an exception for the Paris-Dakar rally. It's truly impressive and looks to be one step shy of lethal. Link goes to YouTube highlights from the 2003 one.… more »


12/10/06 | by Adam | Categories: YouTube
Go watch the movie then come back here. more »

Office Space, The Slasher Cut

12/05/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
With the low distribution costs inherent with the YouTube video-on-demand service, people have been remixing movies into trailers for a different genre. The original one was converting "The Shining" into a romantic comedy which was promptly followed up… more »

Top Gear's Mercedes S-Class English Cottage

12/05/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
No car deserves this, particularly not the otherwise gorgeous Mercedes S-Class. Watch it before YouTube takes the clip down. Part 1 Part 2 more »

Batman drives a British Leyland Metro

12/05/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
...or at least he did in the early 80's. more »

Not now, dear, I'm blogging

11/30/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Yup, another YouTube video. This one's by way of Kottke. more »

Sex sells. Well, drives up the bids. Perhaps.

11/20/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Silly, YouTube
Apparently eBayers have been taking a page out of British lad-mags like "T3" or pretty much any motor show in the last forty years, and have decided to spice up those boring pictures of games consoles with buxom ladies. There's shallow, there's really… more »

Your YouTube video for the day

11/19/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
At last we have an answer to the much asked question: what if Bollywood had made the video for Michael Jackson's "Thriller"? more »

Finnish Song Of Disguntlement

11/14/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Truly, this YouTube video deserves to be the next internet big-thing. more »

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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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