Category: "Politics"

Pages: 1


  11:58:09 pm, by Nimble   , 139 words  
Categories: Distractions, Politics, Religion

Annotated Kitsch

There are people out there who can out-kitsch Thomas Kinkade. When they do, I dearly hope that they will be as lovingly annotated as this lovely picture of Jesus holding the Constitution, surrounded by a plethora of faces, many familiar. Mousing over… more »


  01:53:56 am, by Nimble   , 1489 words  
Categories: Common Sense, Politics, Religion, Science

Bill 44 Passes Second Reading

This bill has been causing some stir in Alberta. Essentially, the bill modifies the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act RSA-2000 cH-14 here with modifications that, for the most part, add sexual orientation to these protected categories:… more »


  12:36:41 am, by Nimble   , 171 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Politics, Religion

Expelled in Calgary

I thought we might escape the Canadian premiere of this poor documentary, having seen nothing of the sort in upcoming movie listings, but I am informed on the theatre locator page of the Expelled! movie site that there are two locations where it will be… more »


  02:37:17 am, by Nimble   , 341 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense, Ethics, Politics, Religion


I doubt that I would see eye to eye with Ezra Levant on many things. The Reform Party is pretty antithetical to my views, and even within the Reform Party context, I thought Preston Manning was a gentleman, and Stockwell Day, whom Ezra supported, was a… more »


  11:17:21 pm, by Nimble   , 1280 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Ethics, Politics, Religion

More On Craig Chandler

It has been a little bit tough to find detailed information on what exactly Craig Chandler, the controversial candidate whose comments have landed him in hot water - with Premier Ed Stelmach initiating a formal review - said to get himself in such hot… more »


  07:26:29 pm, by Nimble   , 164 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense, People, Politics

More McCain Tiremarks

What the hell happened to McCain? He has pulled such a hard 180° that the undercarriage has scattered bits for miles. Now's he on the attack against Roe versus Wade?! SPARTANBURG, S.C. - Republican presidential candidate John McCain, looking to… more »


  03:30:37 am, by Nimble   , 758 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Politics, Religion

Musings On The Far-Right-Wing/Fundamentalist Connection

A thought struck me when deep in good conversation with a friend of mine the other day that the seemingly strong association between right wing philosophy and fundamentalist Christianity is one of a particular match-up with philosophy. This is partly… more »


  02:15:37 am, by Nimble   , 420 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Thoughts, Politics

Ed Stelmach is In

My wife and I went down to our local polling station at the sportsplex, bought a Progressive Conservative party membership for $5 apiece, and voted. more »


  08:08:38 pm, by Nimble   , 393 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Politics

Ted Morton?

Has the Calgary Sun become less conservative over time, or is Ted Morton really that spookily right-wing a character? Dining on fabulous nosh at Willy's (and strangely, finding the owners had used turkey bacon as a substitute for bacon), I opened up… more »


  03:03:00 pm, by Nimble   , 298 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Politics

The Ultimate Godwin

This video has been showing up in a few places. Sometimes associated with a "Don't Vote For Bush!" theme, sometimes not. It's an old educational video by the 'war department', and you can find it listed as "Don't Be A Sucker". It's a 17 minute… more »


  01:47:54 am, by Nimble   , 171 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Politics

Gritty Canadian Forces Ad

This ad for the Canadian Forces has been showing up on television of late. I must say that the approach is intriguing. It's gritty, it's unglamorous, and it's tense, both in music, visuals and themes. One scene, if I don't miss my guess, even flashes… more »


  11:36:16 pm, by Nimble   , 52 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Ethics, Politics

Day Against DRM : October 3

Taking a subject more near and dear to Adam's heart, Defective By Design has October 3rd announced as "Day Against DRM". That's a little better than the passive-aggressive I-won't-buy-your-crap I had planned; I'm impressed with social activism like… more »


  09:56:02 pm, by Nimble   , 258 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Politics

Guy Fox Attack

I haven't been particularly interested in politics apart from the past, okay, it's approaching a decade. In particular, though, anything that makes international travel less safe (I specifically told the travel agent to avoid all US stopovers for our… more »


  07:22:08 pm, by Nimble   , 161 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Politics

6% GST is Here

I didn't even notice it creeping up on us: the GST has been reduced from 7% to 6% here, just on the Canada Day weekend. We first encountered it waiting in line behind a couple of people making returns at a store. We wondered why it was taking such a… more »


  11:36:10 am, by Nimble   , 277 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Politics, Religion

Sam Brownback

I just read an article on Rolling Stone about this man, and it personifies everything that frightens me about the theocratization movements south of the border. It's a long article, but the thrust of Sam Brownback can be understood from a few quotes...… more »