Categories: "Thoughts" or "Common Sense" or "Cooking" or "Ethics" or "Internet" or "Spamming" or "Languages" or "People" or "Politics" or "Programming" or "Religion" or "Science" or "Transgender" or "Travel"

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  01:47:54 am, by Nimble   , 171 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Politics

Gritty Canadian Forces Ad

This ad for the Canadian Forces has been showing up on television of late. I must say that the approach is intriguing. It's gritty, it's unglamorous, and it's tense, both in music, visuals and themes. One scene, if I don't miss my guess, even flashes… more »


  03:52:21 pm, by Nimble   , 32 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Programming

GIF is Free at Last!

October 1, 2006, there will be no more worldwide patent impediments to using the GIF format for pictures. People making their own gaudy animation software for MySpace users heave a global sigh of relief :) more »


  11:36:16 pm, by Nimble   , 52 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Ethics, Politics

Day Against DRM : October 3

Taking a subject more near and dear to Adam's heart, Defective By Design has October 3rd announced as "Day Against DRM". That's a little better than the passive-aggressive I-won't-buy-your-crap I had planned; I'm impressed with social activism like… more »


  09:56:02 pm, by Nimble   , 258 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Politics

Guy Fox Attack

I haven't been particularly interested in politics apart from the past, okay, it's approaching a decade. In particular, though, anything that makes international travel less safe (I specifically told the travel agent to avoid all US stopovers for our… more »
  01:15:33 am, by Nimble   , 321 words  
Categories: Distractions, Programming

Retro Classics: 99 Bottles of Beer

Sometimes, there are sites that bring back waves of memory to crusty nerds such as myself. There is a site, which I believe has been around for quite some time, giving code examples of how to count down "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of… more »


  02:11:29 pm, by Nimble   , 110 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Science, Travel

Anticrepuscular Rays

There was an interesting phenomenon that took place on the horizon opposite the sunset when we were leaving the Masai Mara game park one evening. It was a stark diagonal band in the sky, that resolved itself into a couple of bands a little later. Dena… more »


  11:44:35 pm, by Nimble   , 252 words  
Categories: Reviews, Television, Science

Mad Labs

Caught this show on television tonight. It's a science show of the type that's been desperately missing from television for the better part of a decade, apart from perhaps Mythbusters: fun, madcap and informative. The episode today featured a dairy… more »


  02:35:27 pm, by Nimble   , 258 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Science

Inconsistent Shadows in the Microwave Background

I had always wondered whether the cosmic microwave background radiation ought to have shadows in it where it fails to shine through nearby clusters. Apparently, it should. Also apparently, it doesn't. At least, not consistently, and that's a problem.… more »


  01:10:17 pm, by Nimble   , 133 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Thoughts, Ethics, Internet

From The Ground Up

'Tis a sad thing - it looks like the server my site was on was essentially razed by a hacker. I'll pass along more details as I get them. Rather sad about the timing - I'd been having troubles getting a backup generated for a very long time, but was… more »


  10:56:59 pm, by Nimble   , 252 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Travel

Back in Kampala

The odd deal with splitting us into two groups in Rwanda to see the gorillas was one of the small scams they often pull over there, apparently. It's so that they can get two vehicle transfers out of you, doubling your fee, of course. They sent one group… more »


  07:20:49 pm, by Nimble   , 838 words  
Categories: Travel

The Story So Far

We have finally made it to Nairobi! We took a few days in Dubai on the way over, for a break and to catch our breath (so as not to have to spend more than 24 hours on airplanes and in airports at once). The flight to Heathrow from Calgary was nothing… more »


  11:09:53 am, by Nimble   , 196 words  
Categories: Reviews, Toys, Travel

Nexxtech Desktop Alarm Clock with Flashlight

Much as we may lament the takeover of most Radio Shack store by Circuit City, it has imparted to the store a "cool gadget" mentality, with pretty reasonable prices on most things, to boot. We were looking for an alarm clock to take on safari. Well, The… more »


  11:30:13 am, by Nimble   , 253 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Religion

Psalm 82

I was wandering around in other peoples' blogs, and ran across what seemed like a very odd quote indeed: When God, or Yaweh, or Elohim, or any of his buddies from Psalm 82 gets off his ass and comes down and knocks on my door, I'll be open to the idea.… more »


  11:24:17 pm, by Nimble   , 405 words  
Categories: Journal, Thoughts, Travel

Countdown to Africa

The big safari is nearly upon us! I must admit, I'm getting nervous, although I feel a little better knowing our tickets are available for pickup (I thought I'd picked them up and forgotten where they were; we booked this quite a while ago!) I'm going… more »
  11:11:11 am, by Nimble   , 602 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Science

Nick Matzke on Evolution

(A side note: I know there's a lot of jargon in here. One of these days, I'll have to tackle one jargonesque term at a time and try to bring it to a public level. In the meantime, if there's something that looks interesting but total Greek, just ask) A… more »

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