Category: "Television"


  02:40:42 pm, by Nimble   , 386 words  
Categories: Reviews, Television

Robot Chicken : Season 1

Robot Chicken is one further step in the return of animation to the world of adults. Well, in this case, not drawn animation. Stop-motion animation. Isn't stop-motion animation expensive? Well, yeah, if you make all your models from scratch and stuff.… more »


  01:15:44 pm, by Nimble   , 429 words  
Categories: Reviews, Television

Fullmetal Alchemist

This anime series seems a lot like many other anime series to start with. Many of the typical anime drawings, character reactions, exaggerations and the like are present. There's a strength of story and characters that show up as you continue watching… more »


  11:44:35 pm, by Nimble   , 252 words  
Categories: Reviews, Television, Science

Mad Labs

Caught this show on television tonight. It's a science show of the type that's been desperately missing from television for the better part of a decade, apart from perhaps Mythbusters: fun, madcap and informative. The episode today featured a dairy… more »


  09:29:42 pm, by Nimble   , 302 words  
Categories: Reviews, Television


After seeing the movie Serenity, Dena and I decided that we might like to see the series. After picking it up from HMV for a modest $25, we can see now why Firefly fans were choked about the very first season being cancelled when it was. Fox only aired… more »