Category: "Low-Carb"


  09:24:32 pm, by Nimble   , 177 words  
Categories: Reviews, Low-Carb

Diet Rite Comes To Canada!

Well, at least to a store near me :) I encountered these at the local Sobey's (anyone know what the deal is that had most but not all IGAs turning into a Sobey's?) in three flavours: cola, red raspberry and tangerine. This is another Splenda-sweetened… more »


  11:16:35 pm, by Nimble   , 156 words  
Categories: Reviews, Low-Carb

Coca Cola Zero

Now, regular Diet Coke is gross. It's just... gross. So when I started seeing some Splenda-based Pepsi products and the like south of the border, I got kinda excited. Then I see Coca Cola Zero show up here, and the sweetener is... aspartame!?? I was… more »


  10:57:54 am, by Nimble   , 820 words  
Categories: Low-Carb

Low Carb Mistakes

I've been noticing some low-carb products disappearing, some becoming harder to find, although there's still a trickle of new products. Now, low-carb eating is still a mighty effective way to lose or maintain weight. So why aren't we seeing low-carb… more »


  10:59:11 am, by Nimble   , 321 words  
Categories: Reviews, Low-Carb

Low-Carb Winners & Losers

Since it takes a while for some low-carb products to make their way up north of the border (if ever!), we made a small order from Netrition. Here's our household consensus: more »