Category: "Cooking"


  01:56:23 am, by Nimble   , 413 words  
Categories: Reviews, Cooking

Gold Seal "Tunaesque" Salmon

Here's something that might not last, and that'd be a bit of a shame: tinned salmon without bones. It's Gold Seal's Flaked Pacific Pink Salmon, Skinless and Boneless. They have affixed an explanatory note to the top of the can: NEW! Mild, tuna-like… more »


  10:29:36 pm, by Nimble   , 275 words  
Categories: Reviews, Cooking

Jamie Oliver Cookware

These pots and pans seem to have been T-Fal coming up with minor modifications on their line for Jamie Oliver. We had this on our gift registry at the Bay when it was half off, and by their registry rules, we got it at the sale price even months after… more »