Category: "Politics"


  01:03:58 pm, by Nimble   , 1594 words  
Categories: Reviews, Books, Politics, Religion

The Great Theft : Khaled Abou El Fadl

The tagline for the book, "Wrestling Islam from the Extremists", caught my eye, as did a quick flip through the book. We don't tend to hear a lot from moderate Muslims in the public square here, so there are a lot of questions that run through our… more »


  11:57:24 pm, by Nimble   , 988 words  
Categories: Reviews, Books, Politics

The Truth (With Jokes) : Al Franken

This is a much angrier, more serious book, only lightly seasoned with humour this time around. There's not so much focus on the right-wing hacks this time, though they are still present, but this focuses more on the upper echelons of the US government.… more »