Category: "Languages"


  11:45:54 pm, by Nimble   , 277 words  
Categories: Reviews, Books, Languages

I Like Hugo's "In Three Months" Series

When I was at my sister's wedding in the UK, my relatives offered to look after our baby for a few minutes while we rampaged through one of Rochester's used bookshops, "Baggins". It was far too big for a decent perusal of any sort, but before I left… more »


  01:53:08 pm, by Nimble   , 280 words  
Categories: Distractions, Languages

Esperanto Day: December 15

Okay, the warning is perhaps premature, but it could take a while to learn enough Esperanto to go along with the official 'day'. Having encountered Esperanto a long time ago as one of the more durable 'universal language' attempts around, it was funny… more »


  10:52:07 am, by Nimble   , 863 words  
Categories: Reviews, Books, Languages

Kiswahili, Msingi Wa Kusema... : Hinnebusch, Mirza & Stein

I'm getting prepared to go to Africa this year. True to my nature, I've got books on Swahili, the major language of East Africa, on my reading list in preparation. I first ran across the Swahili language in a used book called "Jifunze Kiingereza", or… more »