Category: "Distractions"

Pages: 2 4 5 6


  08:31:00 pm, by Nimble   , 57 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Science

DNA Through Coder's Eyes

The site DNA seen through the eyes of a coder is a pretty decent introduction to how DNA and some of the surrounding processes work. Some things are a little hard to make analogies for - it doesn't go much into good analogies for proteins and protein… more »


  05:23:51 am, by Nimble   , 938 words  
Categories: Distractions, Internet, Programming

Javascript Swirlies

I wish I had an original cite for this bit of Javascript that my wife found posted in a Fark forum, but it's fantastic fun, so I'm posting about it regardless. To operate it, you copy the entire paragraph below, navigate to a web page (Fark works… more »


  01:36:47 am, by Nimble   , 328 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Science

The Three Kidneys

Every now and again, you run into a really odd fact in biology. An interesting but tame one is the fact that we also run through multiple different kinds of globin in our hemoglobin (we're done with Hba-x, or "zeta globin", for example, by the end of… more »


  02:46:33 am, by Nimble   , 106 words  
Categories: Distractions

Crayon Physics Deluxe

Hat tip to Biocurious... For those who have pen computing at their disposal, this video of a game called "Crayon Physics Deluxe". It's a little bit like The Incredible Machine, but with an entirely different sort of twist. You can draw objects into… more »


  10:26:33 pm, by Nimble   , 381 words  
Categories: Distractions, Common Sense, People

Russian Wussburgers

I got to learn a few interesting bits of trivia from a Russian coworker or two today. It all started out with one of them looking at the consent/health forms for the flu shots that were being offered... more »
  10:11:51 pm, by Nimble   , 175 words  
Categories: Distractions, Science

Fecal Transplants

It sounds like something right out of an old Saturday Night Live skit, but fecal transplants are real honest-to-goodness medical techniques for use, for example, when antibiotics have knocked out everything except the really nasty bacteria. CBC covered… more »


  11:14:54 pm, by Nimble   , 87 words  
Categories: Distractions

Peahens Fan Too

Unless these are males of a different peafowl species, this is my first encounter of peahens, the female counterparts of peacocks, fanning their tales in much the same manner as the males do, only somewhat less spectacularly. more »


  11:21:01 pm, by Nimble   , 89 words  
Categories: Distractions

Dena and Beowulf

Was poking through the Old English-plus-translation version of Beowulf I have, and was intrigued that the first line was: Hwæt, we Gar-Dena in geardagum There you go, Dena's in Beowulf! (Even though it means the Danes, here: Gar-Dena = spear-Danes)… more »


  10:17:22 pm, by Nimble   , 1207 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Distractions

Baby Axel Arrives!

Arrrrr! At 6:56 pm on September 16, 2007, Axel Duma Annand transitioned from the world of womb to the world of people. To recap a little bit... more »
  11:48:21 am, by Nimble   , 195 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Spamming

A Place to Gather Intelligence on 1-800 Callers is a simple site with but two purposes: letting people post information on persistent, unknown callers, and looking up such posted information. It helped me look up our of our persistent nuisances, 1-800-566-8064, which seems to do cold… more »


  03:13:43 am, by Nimble   , 86 words  
Categories: Distractions, Science

Peeing in The Colours of the Rainbow

Why must it always be the same colour, anyhow? Well, different colours is usually a bad sign, but who knew there was such variety? With appropriate health warning provisos, here is a list of things that can make your pee change colour. Doing it on… more »


  08:59:40 pm, by Nimble   , 391 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Distractions

UC Baby

Dena found this one outfit in town that did "3D Ultrasound". The concept was pretty interesting: getting a decent idea of what your baby will look like, while it's still in the womb. If you haven't seen regular ultrasounds, there is a lot of activity… more »


  01:06:57 am, by Nimble   , 383 words  
Categories: Distractions

Cool Dinnerware Always Doomed

Okay, okay, I'm exaggerating, but I feel the sting of lines of dinnerware and flatware being discontinued because it seems to affect the stuff I really like... disproportionately. When you're on the hunt for plates and such, you generally have choices… more »


  11:05:07 pm, by Nimble   , 1321 words  
Categories: Distractions

A Wii Adventure

Right at the end of the day at work on Friday, visiting the QA department netted me some "inside information" on where to get a Wii. One of them had been watching forums on occasion to see where and when Wiis show up, and Westbook Mall got a shipment of… more »


  06:47:05 pm, by Nimble   , 291 words  
Categories: Distractions

Who The Hell Is Mo Henry?

We just watched Spider-Man 3 a day after watching Shrek 3, and we're credit-watchers (though I must say that we have been very disappointed in the lack of after-credit easter eggs these days), and one name keeps cropping up as recognizable: the negative… more »

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