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Bye, Spots

05/20/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology

Link: http://www.spots.ab.ca

Since 1995 I've been using a Calgary ISP called Spots Interconnect. For the first few years, I used them exclusively for dialup access and webpage hosting. They set up an ISDN connection for a trade show I arranged and gave us free access to it; it was the first real exposure I had to setting up networks on the Amiga, indeed on any platform.

Over the years I moved my day-to-day usage over to high-speed cable as Spots couldn't keep pace on bandwidth due to Telus' refusal to let anyone co-habit their switching stations. However I maintained my domain and webhosting on their systems along with mailing lists and various other sundry services. In all the time, I knew Spots was running on a shoestring but the service from Jason Marshall, their principal geek and owner, was exemplary and I felt no urge to go elsewhere.

The other day I received a note from Jason saying that Spots was transferring their accounts to Nucleus and closing down. I can't blame him, and I was amazed they've held on as long as they did. There's no real lesson or statement here, other than to thank them and say I'm sorry to see them leave the market.

Ave atque vale, Spots!

(And just as a throwaway note, Jason used to run a BBS, "Lord Foul's Bane", on his Amiga 2000 using CNet. The folks at Nucleus started the same way. See this old Amiga BBS listing and look for the 403 area BBS systems.)


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