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Boss panic buttons: not just for Tetris any more

07/02/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly

Link: http://www.workopolis.com

For fun (and after much badgering,) I took a look at workopolis.com, a Canadian job site. In the top right corner of the screen I noticed a link labelled "Boss Panic Button". So I pressed it.

This is what you get: a browser window with a Windows backdrop, a generic MS Word document, and a thumping great big label on the title bar saying "http://www.workopolis.com - Boss Panic Button". I think they need to fix that one.

More importantly, it opens up to fill the entire default primary screen which is exactly where I don't have my browser...


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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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