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Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7417496.stm
Bad BBC. If you're going to have a headline reading:
Web users 'getting more selfish'
and a lede that reads:
Web users are getting more ruthless and selfish when they go online, reveals research
it would probably make sense to actually include the quoted phrase in the article. Go look at the link and see if you can find it; I couldn't. The headline and lede are pretty negative choices of words, especially given how the article itself is quite non-controversial. It's about the fairly obvious conclusion that most web-surfers object to having their time wasted with unnecessary bumpf:
Instead of dawdling on websites many users want simply to reach a site quickly, complete a task and leave.
Web users were also getting very frustrated with all the extras, such as widgets and applications, being added to sites to make them more friendly.