Archives for: February 2009

Why I dislike rebates #59

02/28/09 | by Adam | Categories: Whining
You know how rebates work, right? You get a certain amount off whatever it is you're buying but you don't get it at the till. You need to submit some paperwork and then you'll be sent a cheque for whatever the amount was. The basic premise behind it is… more »

That can't be right

02/21/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
Recently I was looking at Apple's iTunes FAQ documents and the one on "Backing Up Your Music" caught my eye, particularly this paragraph: if your hard disk becomes damaged or you lose any of the music you've purchased, you'll have to buy any purchased… more »

MacWorld on audio quality and compression

02/19/09 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
MacWorld has an interesting post on audio quality in the digital realm. Worth going through are the reams and reams of reader comments at the end. My personal take: While bitrate may matter, the quality of the encoding algorithm matters more as does… more »

Cake mistakes

02/04/09 | by Adam | Categories: Silly
While many cake mistakes that turn up on the web are simply poor craftsmanship, the USB cake linked to here is -- I think -- decently done. Sadly the design is based a misunderstanding but probably ended up being more interesting that whatever image the… more »

Fellout 3

02/03/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games
Well, "Fallout 3" is now played through. It's been about three months since I started with it and there's been very little playing of other games in the meantime and a couple of blog posts. I reckon that's not bad value for money. What wasn't such good… more »
February 2009
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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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