Archives for: January 2009

PZ Myers' Calgary Talk

01/26/09 | by Nimble | Categories: Journal, Thoughts, Religion, Science
With the kind babysitting services of mom-in-law, we were able to make our way up to the university in pretty decent time, all the while forcing the TomTom to continually update its trajectory - we're not about to make some annoying merges to save a few… more »

PZ Myers Coming To Calgary

01/19/09 | by Nimble | Categories: Announcements [A], Religion, Science
The indomitable and unapologetically controversial Paul (PZ) Myers of the Pharyngula blog is coming to the University of Calgary next Sunday afternoon, January 25th (date confirmed!) in the ICT building (see here for maps of the campus), room 102 as the… more »

A man ahead of his time

01/15/09 | by Adam | Categories: Music, Copyright
Thomas Edison, visionary, appears to have created the odious EULA well before anyone even had an acronym for it. (Via BoingBoing) more »

iPhone ad hoc networking

01/14/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games, iPhone, PalmT3
Since migrating to an iPhone, I've been impressed by a lot about it. Naturally though, there are various shortcomings that periodically pull me out of that Jobs reality distortion field of bliss. Today, it's that reduced Bluetooth stack. Whether due… more »

Ethics in Fallout 3

01/13/09 | by Adam | Categories: Games
Fallout 3 is a rather violent game which has the interesting addition of a karma system. This is a rough way of tracking how good or bad your character is. I say rough as it's really rather hard to say what's good and bad within the constraints of the… more »

Embarrassingly Poor Local New Years' Coverage

01/01/09 | by Nimble | Categories: Journal
It's getting down to about ten minutes to midnight, so we stop our movie and go hunting for some local flavour of celebration on the television with which to count down to midnight. We looked around, and we found... ...nothing. Not a thing! City TV… more »