Archives for: January 2008, 06

Alphabetizing the DVD Collection

01/06/08 | by Nimble | Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense
It was about high time to redo the DVD collection, which had been accumulating without room to put the titles. Well, we ejected the VHS tapes, and the photo frame, and the microbes, and were on a mission to sort the whole collection... There may be… more »

100 things that you didn't know in 2007 (UK Edition)

01/06/08 | by Adam | Categories: Potpourri
Nifty list of things revealed during 2007 as collated by the BBC. Personal favourite: 5. Cloudy apple juice is healthier than clear, containing almost double the antioxidants which protect against heart disease and cancer. Yeah, that's my preferred… more »