Archives for: December 2007, 29

Pixar's self-referential jokes

12/29/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly
Link is to a pretty good annotated list of the various cross-references between the various Pixar movies and shorts. (Via Kottke) more »


12/29/07 | by Nimble | Categories: Reviews, Toys
Dena bought this little unit before our son was born. It didn't seem all that useful to start with, but this says more about what parenting in the first few weeks consists of than it says about the usefulness of the Itzbeen. You don't need timers to… more »

Devil Delusion

12/29/07 | by Nimble | Categories: Thoughts, Religion
I can only be civil for so long. *sigh* Pope Ratzi is getting the troops back in the ready for the War On Satan. UPDATE: The director of the Vatican Press Office is denying Father Gabriele Amorth's report: "Pope Benedict XVI has no intention of… more »