Archives for: September 2007


  01:49:15 pm, by Nimble   , 52 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Internet, Spamming

Spammers Infiltrate Missouri-Columbia's Site

We got a small swack of spam comments today which point at pages on serialize/tmp/@top/ (I've broken up the link here so the spammers don't get more traffic). I've sent the webmasters off a warning. UPDATE: Yay, the pages are… more »
  01:17:23 pm, by Nimble   , 411 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Science

Evolution of Hox Genes

A commenter at one of the blogs I frequent pointed out in passing this one very cool paper from January 2006 called HOX GENES: Seductive Science, Mysterious Mechanisms in the Ulster Medical Journal. I love the Hox, or homeobox genes. There aren't too… more »


  05:08:06 pm, by Nimble   , 97 words  
Categories: Announcements [A]

Canadian Dollar Flirting With Parity

I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime. The Canadian dollar is so close to the U.S. dollar. It has actually traded just above the U.S. dollar during the day. From Reuters: After pushing through the key 1-for-1 level on Thursday for the first time… more »


  10:17:22 pm, by Nimble   , 1207 words  
Categories: Announcements [A], Distractions

Baby Axel Arrives!

Arrrrr! At 6:56 pm on September 16, 2007, Axel Duma Annand transitioned from the world of womb to the world of people. To recap a little bit... more »
  11:48:21 am, by Nimble   , 195 words  
Categories: Distractions, Thoughts, Spamming

A Place to Gather Intelligence on 1-800 Callers is a simple site with but two purposes: letting people post information on persistent, unknown callers, and looking up such posted information. It helped me look up our of our persistent nuisances, 1-800-566-8064, which seems to do cold… more »


  12:01:28 am, by Nimble   , 164 words  
Categories: Programming

SQL Server 2000 Gotcha With Uniqueidentifiers

If you're considering using uniqueidentifiers on your tables, particularly as primary keys, then you might want to upgrade your SQL Server or just check your SQL carefully if you're still running SQL Server 2000. In particular, doing a COUNT(field) on… more »


  11:23:39 pm, by Nimble   , 280 words  
Categories: Announcements [A]

Isolated Big Baby Syndrome

This baby has still not arrived, but it is getting huge! At the ultrasound this morning, we got an median estimate of 11 pounds 7 ounces plus or minus a pound and a half... so basically, anything from 10 to 13 pounds is what we're expecting. (As to why… more »


  03:13:43 am, by Nimble   , 86 words  
Categories: Distractions, Science

Peeing in The Colours of the Rainbow

Why must it always be the same colour, anyhow? Well, different colours is usually a bad sign, but who knew there was such variety? With appropriate health warning provisos, here is a list of things that can make your pee change colour. Doing it on… more »


  05:56:20 am, by Nimble   , 189 words  
Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense, Science

An Even Better Moon Landing Anti-Conspiracy Site

I really enjoy Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy site, and it has much to recommend it apart from its eminently sensible anti-hoax pages, including its oft-updated blog, notes on good and bad astronomy and really good forums. My new favourite on the anti-hoax… more »