Archives for: June 2007


06/23/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology
An enterprising German figured out how to attach a small camera to his pet cat that would take photos automatically throughout the cat's daily wanderings. It's really quite clever. (Via BoingBoing) more »

Voice channels in online gaming

06/19/07 | by Adam | Categories: Games
There's a good article from Wired about the effect of voice chat within online gaming. Personally, while I'm more than happy to use it while gaming -- it's pretty much a requirement when participating in a WoW raid -- I never speak unless participating… more »

Rejected Wii Games

06/18/07 | by Adam | Categories: Games, YouTube
I may have to create a Wii section on the blog at this rate... Anyway, link is to a video of a few "rejected" Wii games! (Via Kottke) more »

The Wiimote bravely goes where theremin has gone before

06/16/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
More YouTube silliness: the original Star Trek theme as played on a Wiimote. (Via Gizmodo) more »

YouTube Oddity of the day: Bikini Computer Smashing

06/16/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Silly, YouTube
I'm at a total loss to explain the audience for this one, other than people looking for bizarre videos. Still, at least she's following basic safety procedure by donning protective eye-wear prior to destroying the PowerBook. (Via Gizmodo) more »

Fun with GoogleStreets

06/15/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology
Google recently added full photographic views of some parts of some cities to GoogleMaps. Much like with GoogleEarth, people have been spotting a few interesting events on camera. Here's Wired's take on it. BoingBoing also has an interesting discussion… more »

New Boot Camp feature

06/12/07 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
While Parallels is the way I prefer to run XP on my MacBook these days, DF notes that Apple's Boot Camp windows environment now has a new feature that suspends OSX and BootCamp launch. Thus when you return, you can pick up where you left off rather than… more »

The fall of the captcha

06/12/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology
Neat article from the NYT on the rise and fall of the captcha ("Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart") authentication process. (From TalkingPointsMemo) more »

"Fallout" returns

06/07/07 | by Adam | Categories: Games, YouTube
Oooh! One of my favourite game franchises is back. I can't wait to see what they do with it this time around. (Via Nodwick) more »

Air conditioning for dummies

06/06/07 | by Adam | Categories: Technology
Basic physics with an attitude. (Via OptimusCrime) more »

Bad Macworld

06/05/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, Macintosh
This subscription card appeared in a recent Macworld issue. Spot the mistake. more »

Wired on Wii-eight loss

06/04/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly
This one's for the new Wii owner on this blog. From Wired 15.05: Instead Of Play... 1.5 hours of weight lifting (842 calories) 1 hour of Dance Dance Revolution (900 calories) 30 minutes of aerobics (242 calories) 30… more »

Parental Controls

06/04/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly
Link is to a blog-related funny from The Joy of Tech. more »

Good news out of Calgary Transit for a change

06/02/07 | by Adam | Categories: Calgary
Looks like the City and the transit union have reached an agreement, signing a contract for the next three years. I do hope this means the end of work-to-rule so I can actually rely on the buses being present at their scheduled time (or at all.) more »

Spidey does a mean shimmy-shake

06/01/07 | by Adam | Categories: Silly, YouTube
Don't watch this if you revere your DC superheroes... (Via OptimusCrime) more »
June 2007
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"Ready, Aye, Ready" was a slogan used by Canadian politicians to indicate Canada's willingness to assist the British Empire in any conflict. It remains in use as a motto for some of the Canadian military. It has almost nothing to do with the content of this blog.


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