Archives for: November 2006, 07

Best electioneering slogan from the US today

11/07/06 | by Adam | Categories: Politics, American
Nice to see that the Republicans still have a sense of humour even while going down in flames: Republicans have been simultaneously informing voters about the confusing process to vote for Negron—whose name doesn't appear on the ballot—and expressing… more »

Arguing on the internet

11/07/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology
There's a joke that's been going around for a while -- typically Fark Photoshop related -- that arguing on the internet is a bit like competing in the Special Olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded. Having watched enough flamefests online, I'm… more »

Election tampering

11/07/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Politics
Over at QBlog, British computer scientist, Richard Bartle, points out an interesting conundrum about tamper tape on voting boxes. The summary is this: can you throw an election by tampering with a container such that it and its contents become suspect?… more »