Archives for: September 2006, 28

A descant of a different sort

09/28/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
I'd not heard of "presbycusis" before the BBC article linked above, but I am aware of the issue of the range of hearing deteriorating as one ages. In addition to giving me another word I can use while losing at Scrabble, the article describes a gimmicky… more »

How do you identify music without a title?

09/28/06 | by Adam | Categories: Technology, Music
This is more of a general musing. Recently a song came on my MP3 player. The song, recorded on tape from the UK's BBC Radio 1 sometime in the late '80s, is not by any artist I know of. There are no phrases that show up in any of the lyric searches. I've… more »

World's largest bug

09/28/06 | by Adam | Categories: Silly
Apparently the VW Beetle wasn't good enough for Germany. more »

Great sentences to start a post with

09/28/06 | by Adam | Categories: Macintosh
Bugs, how I love them ... I love hunting them down and killing them. Hunting down and killing the developer who caused the bug would be just as much fun if it weren’t illegal in every country in the world, that and programmers would probably be an… more »