Archives for: June 2005

Colloquial Hindi : Tej K. Bhatia

06/15/05 | by Nimble | Categories: Announcements [A]
I have always found books on the Indian/Pakistani language to be close to insufferable. They always take the training wheels off too fast, leaving you spinning in mid-air wondering in Chapter 4 what all these words are supposed to be. In short, they… more »

Fragrant Perennial Nursery & Nature's Studio Raku Pottery

06/06/05 | by Nimble | Categories: Reviews, Gardening
We were going back out to D'n'A Gardens for to get Dena some more Martagon Lilies. However, despite our best efforts on the road, we made it in time, technically speaking, before closing time, but at a mere eight minutes before closing - I surmise… more »

Non-Construction Zones

06/05/05 | by Nimble | Categories: Thoughts, Common Sense
Just a small rant this time. Construction speed zone signs. Definitely saw, this weekend, an utter lack of respect for them. Was it, however, a deserved lack of respect? more »